Confusing Irregular periods

Haley • 21yr old. Married. TTC baby #2

I was on pill birth control for 5 years. My last month taking it was July 2018. I had 3 normal 28 day cycle period after that. I went two months without a period, wasn't pregnant, and went through a stressful event and had an adrenaline rush which triggered my period. A month later my period was 14 days late, which brings us to today. My husband and I started working out again. Nothing to crazy just some upper body work to get us back in thr rhythm of things. I didnt over do it. An hour later I start my period. Can endorphines in my body just trigger my period like that? I know coming of birth control, it can take time for them to regulate but I find it strange how I am getting mine. Please help.