Just ranting about my aunt

I love my aunt but sometimes she can be a bit much. If I don’t call her, she’ll call and be all passive aggressive about it. She will even try calling at almost midnight like I’m going to be up. I rarely call her though because she is notorious for telling her “friends” my business or about my relationship. I’ve been traveling on the road with my bf since he drives trucks so she acts like we have time to stop to one take a photo of ourselves at the sign. Well first off some state signs are on the arches of bridges so absolutely not going to stop in the middle of traffic to take a picture. She wants to be bought things from different states which I have no money but I’m also not going to ask my bf to buy her stuff from every fucking state. She wanted my bf number and I was like why? She said so she can get a hold of me like I don’t have my own fucking phone (I have a phone plan with my bf and he pays it) or it’s not like she can’t reach me through messenger either. She also said it because my mom has his number so I said well she’s my mom so yeah she has it. Then I guess she got all butt hurt when I said that but honestly my other aunts don’t have it and my uncle doesn’t have my bf number either. Yet she’s the only one complaining about it. So I told my bf if he wants to give it to her then that’s fine. I warned him though that she isn’t all the way there(she has child like mentality) and she blows up everyone in the family phones saying crazy shit. She does drugs and lies a lot so there’s no way to tell what’s true with her. There’s no way if I had a child that I would let them be with her alone. She just have all of these unrealistic ideas and no one has time for that mess.