Unexpected c-section


On January 14th I decided to take a bath because they say that can help induce labor naturally or atleast help with dilation (I was 41weeks and 3 days at this point and was trying to avoid induction at all cost) after sometime in the bath I felt a pop and then instantly felt the need to poop so I ran to the toilet and the first contraction hit around 7pm. I never had braxton hicks or any contractuons I could feel until then so at first I thought I was dying. After I got up from the toilet I saw blood and freaked out (this is my first baby) so I called my mom in and she assured me it was normal. So at that point I showered and we kept track of the contractions. They were about 3 minutes apart. We waited an hour to see if they'd stick around. I called my midwife after an hour and we made a plan that I would meet her at 10pm. Well 10pm came along we arrived at the birth center (we were trying a water birth and no pain meds) she checked how dilated I was and if the pop was my water. My waters were still in tact but buldging and I was 6cm. So I bounced on a birth ball and did different exercises to keep the contractions coming but they were slowing down. So we decided it was a good idea to break my water and try to move things along faster. At 1am January 15th my water was broken and in 3.5 hours we were dilated to 9cm. We really thought it was almost time. So we kept doing the exercises. The midwife checked every hour to see progress. We never got past 9cm we were stuck for 6 hours before deciding to transfer to the hospital for an epidural I couldnt take the pain of the contractions anymore they had intensified. After getting to the hospital and then waiting for my mom to get my ID (it got left at home.) We finally got the epidural. The nurse checked me and thought she felt a hand so she had my midwife double check and it was not a hand she felt it was babys entire face that she felt. You could see the defeat in my midwifes eyes (she knew how much I wanted a natural birth with no pain meds and I had already given into one) she broke the news that he was already down to far they couldnt push him back and I would now need a c-section. I bawled and obviously accepted because no matter what I wanted my baby healthy. So they started prep work for the csection and when it was time to pull baby out he had himself so stuck they had two doctors on each side of me one trying to push him up the other trying to pull him out and I dont remember what my husband said the other two were doing. They finally got him out and he needed help with breathing and a few other things. He was in the nicu for the first 5 hours of his life and I didnt get to see him until about 6pm. Ryker Allen was born on January 15th at 12:23pm 6lbs 8oz 20 in long. I feel as if I got cheated in giving birth. I have planned on wanting a natural birth for so long. I would never change it though because my little nugget is alive and healthy. Who knows what would have happened if I didnt get an epidural. They wouldn't have been able to check my cervix the way they did.