Carrying different with same gender

Amy • Mom to 4 beautiful girls. 3/3/10, 4/27/14, 4/8/17, 3/7/19.

Obviously every pregnancy is different, but how many of you mommas carried very differently with the same gender. With my first 3 daughters I carried somewhat low, but I was the full watermelon affect I definitely spread wider so I didn’t show as much. With this pregnancy, another girl, I’m carrying so differently. I’m still low, but way out front. Like I’ve never had the issue where my shirts wouldn’t fit over my belly. I have to wear leggings that come over my belly because my shirts won’t cover it at the bottom 😩 my belly button is almost flat with my stomach too which never happened in prior pregnancies. I’m also measuring ahead which freaks me out. I’ve always measured right on track or behind. 😱 It’s crazy how different it is.