Af due 2/21 anyone with me/TTC tips and tricks?

KC • Momma to angels 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻 Nicu mama established 7/15/21👶🏻👶🏻

Here we go back at cycle day 3.... I was so hopeful last month I unfortunately got a couple faint positives on FRER (indents I am assuming) but a few days after I got cramps and then AF showed her ugly face :(

Here I am with a brand new attitude. I was pretty upset over the weekend but I am out of that and now are looking into things to help out. I am going to try preseed this month since I have heard great things about it, i was avoiding it because of the price but hopefully it will be worth it. I am 4 cycles in TTC #1 after mirena removal.

Also does anyone have any tips or tricks for TTC? Or any experience with preseed?

Thanks for joining me hopefully this will be our BFP month ❤️

Thanks y’all