Cursing around/ about your child? Please read


Recently it's been brought to my attention that some people have a problem with parents cursing around their children and referring to their child as a "fucking kid/baby/child" is wrong.

I curse around my kid, when he's older I will teach him that cursing is only for adults just like my mom taught me. I grew up to my parents cursing all the time! I saw and still see nothing wrong with it. Its healthy even, look it up. When I get mad I curse, when my fiance and i are arguing about our kid and the reponiblities we have to share we sprinkle our vocabulary with curse words. Normally adding one every other word. Saying "(my/your/our/the) (fucking/God damned) (kid/child/baby)" is just another way of adding more curse words. It, in no way, reflects the way we feel about our precious baby boy.

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