Hurts to insert/take out my tampons?

Hey ladies! I recently have been having issues with inserting/removing my tampons, it hurts every time. The pain is in my abdomen like period cramps. I have also been bleeding for almost 2 weeks now, and have had constant dull cramps. From what google says, it sounds like Pelvic Inflammitory Disease, but I recently got tested for STDs and I have been with the same man for over 3 years, so I have only slept with him. Google says PID is caused by STDs going untreated, but I have also had no symptoms of any STDs at all either. I am confused as to what is going on because I rarely have cramps at all during my periods and now its constant.

Also, I know it is not because I'm using the wrong size tampons for my flow, I've tried light, regular, and super (I am bleeding pretty heavily, so I know I'm not dry in there either). I have also been using the same kind of tampons for over 10 years and I've never had this problem with them.

Any suggestions? I will be calling my Gyno in the morning, I'm just trying to see if anyone else has experienced this! Thanks!