Kristina • 💑💍 O7’O4’14 // Liam O8’28’17💙 Derek O5’1O’19💙

So, yesterday very early morning and all day I was vomiting. I couldn’t keep any type of food or fluids down. I am about 22 weeks pregnant and I called my doctor to send more Zofran to the pharmacy.

A little while after I drank some water and threw up the water. I began thinking maybe I had a stomach bug or the flu so I went to my primary care physician (suggested by the nurses at my OBGYN). They didn’t test for anything but told me I had a level of +1 protein in my urine. My blood pressure was normal all 3 times they took it while I was at the doctors office. I have a sore/swollen right foot and these HORRIBLE migraines.

I have to go back to my OBGYN today and she gave me a urine collection bottle for a 24 hour period.

My question is, has anyone had preeclampsia WITHOUT having high blood pressure?

Or if you have a similar story to mine I would like to hear about the outcome!