Heartbeat at 16 weeks?! Gender ideas?!


My wife just had her latest appointment with the midwife, unfortunately I couldn’t be there but she sent me the recording of our little amazing heartbeat!! Literally melted! 🥰❤️❤️❤️

They didn’t give us a heartbeat per minute, but from the recording me and my wife reckon it’s around 140-160 beats per minute!

Me and my wife bless her, have spent hours reading all sorts! We’re super excited! I’m just curious if anyone knows what there babies heartbeat was around that time and what the gender was?! Supposedly anything over 140 or so is usually a girl, as boys tend to have lower heartbeats?! Taking that with a pinch of salt but I was curious from everyone as to what yours was and if if matched up to the theory?!

Thanks! Happy pregnancies everyone! 🥰