Urine drug test (UPDATED) (UPDATE #2)

Ok guys I failed my first drug test positive for opioids.... and slightly freaked out! I have never done drugs!!!!

Dr told me it was probably either from benedryl is my system or my ranitidine.... well I discontinued both before I’m going back.

But my husband had his tooth pulled and dentist gave him Hydrocodiene? Long story short..... we had sex this morning..... will his hydro cause me to fail? I’m flipping out over here?!?!

Wow to all the rude comments.... why wouldn’t this be the place to put it??? I’m 29 weeks pregnant sitting in a lab taking my 3 hour glucose test and needing to take an additional urine test.... you don’t have to be rude about everything!!!! Now you know why I stayed anonymous!

Yes my question is I know some medicines can travel through semen I have even heard of someone having an allergic reaction to a medicine that was in her husbands semen.....

I wouldn’t worry except I literally had sex less then an hour before coming to lab to have urine test (yes not my smartest move) but what if some semen gets in my urine???

Update 2....

Thanks for the advice! I ended up calling my OB they said it is unlikely but IS POSSIBLE for it to cause me to fail (BECAUSE ITS A URINE TEST NOT BLOOD)

She told me to wait a week without sex before doing the urine test. She said it doesn’t reach my blood system or baby but a urine test is done differently and semen can live for 5 days so there is always a chance it can cross contaminate into urine causing the false reading