The five stages of grief : TTC Edition

1. Denial- *has light cramps before period is due* me: knowing full well my periods about to begin “It could be implantation cramps”🤷‍♀️

2. Bargaining- “Please god, I promise I will love and cherish every moment of life if you’d just give us a baby. 😇

3. Anger- *period starts.* F*** These F****** cramps. This is such bulls*** somebody bring me some chocolate right this f****** second. F*** f***.🤬

4. Depression- *ugly crying* “Whyyyyyyy, why can’t I get pregnant?! What’s wrong with meeee. I’m sooo tired and all I want is a baby.” *shoves chocolate in face*😭

5. Acceptance- *period ends* “Baaabbbeeee, time to try again!”🥰

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Totally me 😩