Boy trouble

So I’ve been dating this boy for a really long time and I moved away 6 months ago the thing is, is we stopped talking like that but eventually we found our way back to each other. Two months ago we were talking about me moving back down there for my senior year of high school (he’s a freshman in college) and he told me to come live with him and I was like I can’t do that to your mom and family. The thing is, is that his family all know I have a tough home life and his mom has even offered me to live there before I moved. So what I’m asking is a few days ago I went to visit him and we started talking about moving and he kept on saying this better not be the last time I saw you and I said then move in with me let’s get an apartment and do it and he goes I’d love to and I go are you serious and he said yes. The next day we are hanging out and we started talking about it more and more frequently and about how much we would need to make and how much the apartment should cost for out income. Then he saw a baby and whispered in my ear this could be us. When I left to go back home he said the same thing please don’t let this be the last time I see you and I go it won’t so I kissed him and told him all he needed to do is wait for me and he promised me that. When I got back I had a text message from him saying that he was planning on visiting me next month which is a 21 hour drive to my house. He told me that after I left his mom saw him crying and told him f it’s met to be it will happen. My question to you what do you think about the apartment? I’ve never had these feelings before and I’ve dated a handful of guys he’s the first guy that I would honestly say is my first love. I’m turning 18 in a few months which means I can legally move out. What would you guys do if you were in my shoes?