He left me... what now??

We have known for a few weeks and I made the final decision today to keep the baby.

He told me to move out ASAP.


❤️ to 💔

Like that.

I’m 7 weeks pregnant.

I’m 22 and he is 33.

What do I do now....

I already know I’m going to talk to him tomorrow and get my stuff. I have a place to stay for a few days before I see my parents this weekend and talk to them.

I know how to move forward with this material-wise—finding a home and being a mother, etc.— but the emotionally.. where do I begin??


Going to schedule app with my counselor soon... for sure.

Edit- He already said he would pay child support, so that’s covered

Thank you, Allison, I’m surprisingly not depressed because I’m very happy about my baby. I know I’ll be happy in the end, too.