Men are trash

Dont shoot the messenger. This was actually from a man who I use to date. Because I sit here and think about my current relationship that I see is falling apart. Ive giving him too many chances And its like I hold on because of how long we been together. Because my kids love him. And no he doesnt physically abuse me. But its sad to realize that he has been mentally abusing me. He is the type to do something wrong and instead of admitting to his wrongs he pushes it on me and blames me so Im the one thinking something is wrong with me when its him. He doesnt want to be accused of cheating but he does cheating things. Like lock his phone where I dont have the password anymore. Changed his Facebook where I cant see his friend list so he could readd someone who is a threat to our relationship even tho she lives in another state. And guess who is wrong for getting mad about it. Me! "Its just social media" fuck that excuse. Social Media got you being someone different. You had respect for me. Yea HAD respect. Now you have zero respect. Congrats on finally pushing the one everyone keep saying was perfect for you. We had so many people rooting for our relationship. So those people will see what kind of 'man' you are before you try to tell them it was all me.