Best friends brother (need advice ASAP!!)

So my bff ships me and her brother because he really likes me. Anyways so during the summer he got my number somehow and started texting me. Then he asked for my Snapchat and we are kinda texting and stuff ( not in a sexual/dating type way) but not all the time. I went ice skating a few weeks ago on a Saturday night with my best friend and her brother went too. We were just casually talking and then he asked me about my boyfriend. I said I didn’t have one (because I don’t. Lol) I was just talking to this guy(like as friends) so probably my bff told him or whatever. So then... he asked me if I would ever go out with him. not in like he was asking me out right then and there like he was just asking. I think I’m starting to catch feelings for him and i thought about kissing him and stuff the other night!!! What should I do!! The other day he told my bff (his sister) that I never answered his question and she texted me that I never did... anyone have advice on what I should do???

Ahhhhh. I have a problemmmmm. This is how I looked when my bff texted me that he was blushing and said I was pretty and that I should come ice skating again. I don’t get like that!!! He’s doing something to me!!! I’m not a really girly person!! This is so weird. I need advice you guys