I’m Done

This has been the longest Thursday in the history of Thursdays. And it’s only noon.

Started out with some flurries right as my husband was going to drive my son to school. I hesitated. We’ve had some bad snow weather. Husband said he thought it was okay. Just some flurries.

10 minutes later, we’ve got a full on winter storm. We live in the mountains. Roads are steep and twisty and scary in the sunshine!

I was worried. Husband called and said they made it. But it was getting worse. Should he just bring him home? They were gonna go ahead and have school. Even though his teacher didn’t show due to weather.

We decided the snow was supposed to end in an hour. So we left him at school. Sure enough the weather stopped an hour later. And my husband saw the salt trucks already out in force.

Within minutes of making that decision, my youngest began puking. No warning. No acting bad. Just foul vomit all over him and his clothes and the couch. I’m 6 months pregnant. I almost puked on him trying to clean him up.

Scrubbing puke and baby later, I’ve rocked and cuddled with him. All while STARVING. I’ve been hungry for hours. I can’t make myself eat. Baby won’t let me. Even something as simple as cereal. I can’t bring myself to eat. Even the meat I’ve got thawing for supper is disgusting. I’m over this food moodiness my pregnancy seems to have brought on. I’ve literally got a food aversion to EVERYTHING. (Compounded by the smell of my child’s sour stomach.)

Thankfully, there has been no more puke but the child’s gas and sour stomach could knock an elephant over. The stomach virus has been going around. I took him out yesterday. Needed a grocery run. I hadn’t been out of the house in nearly a week. And I take him out and 24 later he’s got a stomach bug. Joy. 😑 I’ve been making him bland food today to help. But I’m curious to see if what he’s eating for lunch stays down.

While fixing lunch, the ice started. I could hear it hitting our roof. That’s it. I’m done. The snow. The ice. The twisty roads to school. I called my husband. He said he was concerned too. He’d go get him early. The child is 5. His teacher isn’t there. Bring him home to me so you and he aren’t on the mountain if another round hit. Although that school he’s not around his brother’s sickness. He’s in private school. The public schools had enough sense to close today once the snow started. We never should’ve sent him. But there were just a few flurries that turned into a storm. 😑😑 I feel like the worst mom ever. I made a bad judgment call and I’m kicking myself.

Making my momma bear worse, I’ve contacted the school and can’t get anyone to answer. Have they considered early dismissal? It’s icing here in town! Don’t care. Go get him. He loves school. He’s gonna be pissed. Don’t care.

I’m done. I’m done with this pregnancy and I still have weeks to go. I’m tired. I’m hungry and can’t make myself eat. I don’t sleep much anymore. Kid lays on my bladder. I ready for it to be over. I’m a moody ball of hormones. And I’m kinda over it. I love being a mom. Even a mom with the stomach virus in the house. I’m just not the greatest at being pregnant. Nothing anybody can do for a puking one year old except ride it out, wash your hands, and pray it doesn’t spread while cleaning anything he touches. As for the weather, the ice just stopped again. I don’t want to load my puking kid to go get my son. My husband won’t get anything done today. I feel completely useless. And all I can’t think is nap time is at one barring anymore puke. I want to sleep too.

Deep down I know this is real life. I’m a mom. The jobs are flexible. It’s a temporary morning of madness and sickness. Nobody is Hurt. Baby is kicking so he’s not starving. Little guy is great even sick. Oldest is safe and not on the road. But all I wanna do is cry. Like I need a timeout.

Seriously, I’d order takeout tonight if we hadn’t had pizza last night. 🤰🏻😑😴