No Eating Allowed!


Ok so I work a desk job. I worked at this pictiular job for about 2 1/2 years. My boss just recently told us about 3 weeks ago that we are no longer allowed to eat at our desks Only Water. I told her that's going to be really hard for me and she said "why do you have a Dr.'s note?" Like Hello I'm pregnant with twins! So I called Kaiser and they said that they don't really provide/have notes for that. So I been managing it, sometimes I be on the verge of passing out so I drink something or eat ice. So she came in today and ask if I'm eating? I told her Ice and she said if I want to take my break early. I said No I'm fine and stop eating the ice. I have to time my meals to a T so if I take my lunch early I would littlery feel starving by 2. I can't wait until Maternity leave. I'm planning not going back after my boys are born.