opinions please

Alright so I know this is gonna get some hate, so please, keep it to yourself. My boyfriend makes these "jokes" about how I'm stupid to date him and that I was stupid to say yes when he asked me out and it's getting frustrating. This has gone on for nearly 11 months now. I keep telling him it bothers me when he says stuff like that and he says sorry and goes and does it again. I have repeatedly asked him to stop but he doesn't. Anytime he upsets me he says "I'm sorry for what I did. Please don't hate me" or "I'm afraid to lose you". I don't want to break up with him because he is amazing and has talked me out of some things that due to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a>'s policy, I can't mention. I just need some opinions on how to get this to stop. No hate please!