Why is it so hard??

Why Is it so hard for some women to get pregnant ?

They tried everything and do everything that they could but, still they can't get pragnet why is that and they are fine nothing is wrong with them but they can't get pragnet, I'm just curious on that!! What can they do??

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I'd really recommend you watch The Great Sperm Race series of videos on YouTube. It really gives you a better idea just what all has to go right to get a sperm to fertilize an egg. Makes you realize why it can take time for some couples. It took 6 months for my husband and I even though we were timing things right a lot of months. Try not to be discouraged, just have to keep trying and I'm sure it will happen.


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Try the clear blue ovulation kit


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I'm sorry you're going through that. Sometimes it just takes time. My sister had nothing wrong with her or her husband and it took about a year, whereas my husband and I had the "if it happens it happens" mentality and we got pregnant the first month. I don't think there's an exact reason for it. I wish you nothing but the best of luck ❤


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Unfortunately it just happens that way sometimes.


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It’s just a fact of life for some women