5 weeks, Low hcg levels...


Had intercourse with my husband & two days later had terrible cramps and bright red blood, no clots. Went to the doc and the bleeding was only when I wiped. The next day it was reddish brown and then just brown. Had an ultrasound and couldn’t see the baby, just the sac. They did say I had a collapsed ovarian cyst. Granted it may just be too early to tell, but I’m scared that it’s an etopic pregnancy. I had blood drawn and today my results came back and it said hcg level 158. I’m 5 weeks and 1 day today. I’m scared this is an ectopic pregnancy. This is my 3rd pregnancy and 1st time I’ve ever experienced this. Should I be worried Or is this implantation? Getting blood drawn again in the morning and Sunday. Results and another ultrasound on Wednesday.