
So I'm in a bad spot right now. My partner and I have a child together who's now nearly 10 months old. I've known my partners had some issues with his anger for around 3 years and he's been trying to get help but every time he gets close it ends up falling through somehow. He has physically hurt me but not the black eye kind more the throw me to the floor, push me around and slap kind. (I'm aware still bad) but he gets real angry real quick over the most random things and there's nothing I can do to stop it. He has an appointment for the first time with a therapist on Tuesday but he's had a huge fall out with his mum coz she's been a massive bitch. So since then he's been really down but yesterday he got down more about it and it escalated to him grabbing my face and throwing me to the floor and then grabbing my arms latter and doing the same followed by a kick. But he then cried because he does hate himself for being the way he is. Don't get me wrong I hate what he does and he doesnt just get away with doing it but I understand in a way and I just want him to get himself better. So after last night he's living with his nan until he starts getting better hopefully through the therapy sessions. But I'm here basically a working single mum and it feels like crap. Im not eating as my partner did all the cooking and I'm so lonely. I've just spent the day cleaning so that I didn't feel so alone but I know at some point I'm going to run out of cleaning to do. I need to know there's someone else out there that's gone through this with their partner and come through happier? Or anyone know how to feel less lonely when living in a flat with just your 10 month old :( I just want him to make me feel loved the way he used to and I want an awesome childhood for my daughter instead of what happened last night. Please no comments about me leaving my partner. He's away from me and I'm safe and so is my daughter were staying in a relationship just different homes until he's better. :(