Still lying to me and I’m sick of it

This morning my husband said he was taking a shower. In our house you can hear every time the water turns on and off, someone flushes the toilet, etc. bc the pipes are so loud. Then he came back 30 min later with a towel on and I didn’t hear the water turning on. He went into the living room first (I’m just gonna assume it was to delete whatever he was doing on his phone) and then came in to the bedroom.

So the other day I went on his phone at night bc he was being TOO nice to me and i know he only does that when he does something wrong. Found MILF porn open on his phone in the private tabs. Also found out that he had downloaded a dating website to find MILFS (and another for gay men but that’s not the point here 🤷🏽‍♀️). Then saw he downloaded a photo vault app. I hardly send him pics because we live together and he doesn’t hide them bc why would he need to? So clearly it’s for someone else’s nudes. Found he downloaded Snapchat again and got onto his “CUMLORD17” account. Yes that’s his account he uses to cheat on me with. THEN to top it all off i found out he downloaded a photo editing site which he told me was to “make his dick look longer and send it to ME so that I would want to have sex eith him”. First of all that’s my husband and I’ve been pregnant by him 2x. Pretty sure I’d notice if his dick looked different. Plus adding all of those things ^^^^^ into the mix just proves he was sending it to other bitches. And through our whole relationship he’s been on dating websites and other shit.

So I’m just fucking done honestly. I don’t know what the hell is up with him I’m 35 weeks pregnant and unemployed ATM so thatswhy I’m even with him at all. I don’t know what to do. Do I cheat on him back to let him know how it feels or what? I’ve been nothing but loyal to him and I feel like an idiot.