
i was taught that if u eat & finish whats left in the pot you wash the pot & dont just leave it dirty & empty for whoever washes the dishes to clean, correct?

well my FIL annoyy the shit out of me for being SO MESSY.

1) he’ll see me cleaning & doesnt offer himself

2) doesnt pick up after himself

anyway id like to know from u ladies what u guys opinion on the following ...

this man here eats the food i cook & has never ever washed the pot he finishes the food in , doesnt pick up what condiments he uses to eat from the table , leaves his shoes in bathroom after hes seen me clean , doesnt pick up after himself & is just so messy & it really bothers me but ill admit ive been lenient about it bc i dont wanna seem like im being dramatic telling my bf & i didnt have the courage to tell my bf also , i dont wanna seem disrespectful telling his dad something directly SO ive told my bf.

i finally had the guts to let him know after many times what his dad was doing & that it wasnt okay & last night it happened again.

i made food the day before & he finished what was left last night & i knew it would finish so i reminded my bf bout it & he told his dad about 4x’s if he was to finish what he ate to wash the pot , well lookey here woke up an hr ago to make lunch & the dirty empty pot is still on the stove .. his dad is in the kitchen too watching me see the empty pot , but i dont say amything to him i waited for my bf to come out the shower & sure enough as soon as he was out his dad raced in the bathroom & waited to hear the door shut from when my bf left the house & then came out . my plan was to tell my bf so that he could tell his dad but it didnt work out that way & now I must wash it myself. it doesnt really bother me to clean but i feel like the entire “lesson” was wasted now bc i have to wash it & here i am cleaning after him yet again.