Scariest moment of my life

No bashing please I’m beating myself up enough I made a mistake today after I dropped my eldest daughter to nursery my two youngest3 and 1 decided to smash crisps all over my living room floor so I put them up stairs to hover down my stairs as my youngest tries to head bottom off hover I had been cleaning bathroom prior to this and have left bleach sitting behind toilet in bathroom little did I know the seal or child lock was broken which my 3 year old decided to open and my 1 year old pour it all over here and put it in her mouth I was finished and then of the hover and heard an almighty scream I panicked and started running up the stairs while asking my 3 year old what had happen to her sister she told me nothing but I knew half way up the stair there was a strong smell of bleach so immediately looked for them and found them in my bathroom my youngest was screeching while foaming at the mouth I went into complete melt down mode and lost it my 3 year old was screaming sorry I couldn’t think I couldn’t move I was frozen was my daughter dying in my arms I lost all radtionlity in the next few seconds I felt my heart drop out of my chest in the next few seconds I pulled my self out of it and called my mum screaming she couldn’t understand me and asked me to clam down she told me

To phone the ambulance I was now hysterical but trying to clean the bleach from my youngest and get her to drink she was resfusing to drink but the operator told me force water into her mouth so I did that the next 10 minutes wait for someone to arrive was the longest time ever she started to become pale was coughing and foaming from her mouth and become quite tried when they arrived they thought she had maybe only I put a little bit in her mouth but says to go to hospital for precaution when we got into abmbulance she started working to breath and her stats where dropping long story short they sorted her out she was fine she has a chemical burn on her leg but it could have been a whole lot worse I was and still am so angry at myself I made a mistake that almost cost me my daughters life I was a bad parent today I fucked up I won’t make the same mistake twice!!