Ok people got my peak result this morning on my opk test.. me and my DH have been baby dancing every other day this week.. should we baby dance today or wait until tomorrow? Glow says my ov date is tomorrow. So the highest chance is tomorrow ??

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Posted at
I would baby dance tonight :) I did when I got peek on clearblue and I’m pregnant x


Posted at
We have identical cycles! Hubby and I BD today and plan on ot again tmrw too( ovulation day). GL Tto you guys and baby dust to you!! 😊


Blaire • Jan 27, 2019
Thank you, y’all too!


Posted at
Both would be ideal but I always make sure I bd on the peak day so the lil guys are waiting around for the egg since you never know when you actually release the egg.


Ka • Jan 26, 2019
I definitely think every other day is better, but once I get to peak and ovulation I do both


Blaire • Jan 26, 2019
So you don’t believe that having intercourse everyday hurts the chance?


Posted at
I have legit same fertile days as you! I BD M, T, Th, and F. (I know mon and tues doesn’t help but ovia ap changed my window so decided better safe then sorry). I’m going to BD tomorrow, and just let today be. I say if you have time go for it, but not focusing on today personally. Last time I got pregnant it was in early days of my fertile window, because I thought I ovulated already, and by chance just took an opk to find out I was off but still fell pregnant. ☺️ good luck


Blaire • Jan 26, 2019
Thank you good luck to you as well!


Posted at
Sperm will kind of hang out in there for the egg for a couple days. I would suggest having sex today,tomorrow, and the next day. Every other day is good otherwise, but having sex during your surge is ideal. And then sex the next few days for insurance.