Gave her mom a black eye! Update****


So last night my 16 almost 17 year old sister punched our mom in the face twice (once in the temple once in the eye) because she wanted to keep a baby and my mom told her no because they were staying somewhere else last night instead of at home. Thankfully, mom’s boyfriend was there and was able to get my sister away from my mom before she could hit her again. He got my sister to go on to bed so that my mom could calm down and think. So my question is what would y’all do? Should she press charges, kick her out, send her to a mental health hospital for a 72 hour commitment? I also have two younger siblings in the home and this sister has threatened to hurt them. She also stole alcohol a couple weeks ago from the boyfriend so this isn’t just one time of her acting out. My mom is just completely lost as far as what to do and any recommendations are greatly appreciated! Picture is of my mom’s eye shortly after the incident last night it is now bruised

Update*** 1/27

My mom just called to let me know that my sister attempted to commit and is currently in the emergency room. They are still trying to get her stable before sending her to a long term treatment hospital. Please pray for my mom, sister, and youngest sister! My youngest sister is the one that found her and had to stop her from succeeding. She’s only 13 and this has her so super upset 😢