boyfriends stepdad is racist

so around the time my bf and i started dating (little over a year ago) his mom started dating a man she’d been friends with for nearly a decade- he very quickly moved in with my boyfriend’s family (we are 18 by the way) and has been a large father figure to my boy when his own dad couldn’t be there- he’s provided for the family and i understand why my boyfriend loves and looks up to him. but... he’s racist. he totally acts like he’s not, saying “i have black friends” and all this crap but he uses the n word (example “i hate that n***** kanye west” or in relations to the recent protest video floating around “i would have beat that n*****’s ass”) and i just.. can’t stand it. my boyfriends mother is the sweetest woman ever and is totally accepting of everybody and i don’t understand what she sees in him. and i fear he’s being a negative influence on my boyfriend- because my bf looks up to him as a good example of a “man”, i’ve watched him agree with politics the stepdad says, even though when WE talked about the same issue hours before he had a different opinion. i guess i’m just ranting but 🤷🏻‍♀️ have to get it out somewhere. i do NOT want this man to be my father in law and i don’t know what to do- it’s getting harder and harder to ignore

**by the way** we’re all white, i’m just much more liberal. and i know we’re only 18 but we are very serious and moving in together in two months. i love my boyfriend with all my heart and we 100% plan on getting married when we’re older