Tired of it ...

I’m tired of always calling everyone.

I’m tired of always texting everyone.

I’m tired of always FaceTiming everyone.

I’m tired of always checking on people.

I’m tired of always checking how they are doing.

I’m tired of always checking how their family is doing.

I’m tired of always checking on people if they are ok.

I’m tired of always being there for people.

I’m tired of people not checking on me.

I’m tired of people not checking on my son.

I’m tired of people not asking how am I doing?

I’m tired of people not asking if I’m ok.

I’m tired of people...

I’m tired of people and there bullshit.

I’m tired of being a good friend to people who don’t deserve it.

I’m tired of being a good family member to the wrong ones.

I’m just tired of it...🙅🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🙎🏻‍♀️ SO IVE STOPPED 🛑