
I’m on a iud but the past couple days the tips of my nipples are red and painful to touch, do I need to be worried about pregnancy or is this normal??

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When was the last time you had your strings/position checked?


Mo • Jan 28, 2019
*so it was within the range


Mo • Jan 28, 2019
I couldn’t feel mine either so I stoped checking, but went to a 6 month checkup to check on my positioning. I had the Paragard and my periods ranged from 30-50 I never really worried about it. Unfortunately my IUD failed, and I found out at my last 6 month check up..I was 6 it got within the range of my periods. If you are regular, I would take a pregnancy test to be safe. If you can feel/see your strings then I wouldn’t worry..maybe just test to give you peace of mind!💖


Nope • Jan 28, 2019
They are in the same spot as they usually are. I can’t feel them because of the way my uterus is positioned, my boyfriend usually checks it for me. I have liletta iud and he pulls out every time


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Is it possible that they are chapped? If it is cold and you do not wear a well insulated bra or none at all they can become chapped