have you ever felt harassed?? 🥵😳


i’m in 11th grade and there is this boy in my 7th period class he has tried to text me and talk to me before tryna get with me and stuff well i have never like him like that or thought of him any more then a friend well this school year he started bothering me a lot more than usual like always messing with me like everything i do he there watching or making a comment on it and then now he like touches me all the time and it makes me feel very weird and uncomfortable i even had my phone in my back pocket and he tries to “grab my phone “ but actually he just was wanting to touch my butt and it so weird and i feel so harassed by him like it’s a everyday thing and lately i have told him to stop touching me and to leave me alone and i even started ignoring everything he says but he still bothers me and tries to speak to me and i don’t understand why he keeps on i really wish he would leave me alone like i have even told a teacher and had her say something to him but it didn’t phases him at all like seriously 😒