Any moms develop a seroma?

I had my little one on 1/12 via c section after a failed vbac. The vbac went smoothly, except he was just too big. Once in the OR the complications started happening. I had several adhesions, and one tore away from my bladder when they delivered him. They called in an urologist to evaluate and repair my bladder. I was on the OR Table for over 3 hours. I ended up being discharged from the hospital with a foley.

But on post-op day 7 my incision started draining. I wasn’t too worried, as I had a very small amount with my 1st section, but then the fluid kept draining- it saturated any bandages I put on it. Obviously i called and got in to see my OB, she diagnosed it as a seroma. Its only a small portion of my incision but it required her to pack the opening. I go back every 2-4 days to have it removed and repacked.

Any moms have any insight on how long this is going to take. I had a meltdown in her office this morning, and I keep hearing from her (and my husband) it’s going to take time. It will heal. The good thing is it’s not infected and it could be much worse but I am so over changing the dressing, I feel like it stinks and therefore I stink. If the dressing isn’t just right it drains on my clothes. And not to mention, it fucking hurts. It’s just one more thing on top of an already complicated recovery.