

Hi ladies, I’m gonna be very open and honest with you about something I don’t share at all but want someone’s opinion. I have talked to my gynecologist about this but I just want to make sure I heard it right after reading stuff online.

I’m currently 20, want a child so bad and have wanted one for many years, baby fever was really bearing over me at 16, where I planned a pregnancy with my boyfriend at the time, we got pregnant, and it went downhill from there. My family and his were really hard on us and my mother made a scheduled abortion appointment and sent me there, I was 7 weeks, and with everything that happened from the first days of finding out I was pregnant, not being able to keep any fluids or food down, throwing up everything, missing school because all I did was sleep, and having somehow my whole high school knowing I was pregnant was just putting me into depression. My mom and dad told me I will be on the streets if I kept the baby, and my boyfriend at the time, his parents were the same. I didn’t think about how life would be if I kept that child, I wouldn’t have given it a good life, so I consented to the abortion and got it done and over with, but today it eats me alive, I cry all the time about it.

Now I’m 20 with a job as a teacher, I work super hard, have an amazing guy by my side and we have a home together. I went into a doc appointment where they checked my uterus and they said it looks very healthy, we saw my eggs and everything. I was over worried about thinking I was infertile. But everything looks good. But has anyone here ever gotten a suctioned abortion or knows anyone, and has had any problems carrying a child or giving birth. I just am fearing once I get pregnant I could miscarry or have pregnancy problems like low-birth weight, premature, or the embryo struggle to attach to my uterine wall. Someone help!!! I’m sorry if this hurts many people but it’s something I personally am against as well, even when it was something I did myself. Thank you