I just love this man.

MaryElizabeth • Pilot wife 💛 Wesley Michael 💙

Today I was talking to a co-worker/friend about an ex, and remembering how mistreated I was makes me love my husband even more. I gave two years of my life and my virginity to a man who lied, cheated, and abused me. I met my husband when I was coming out of that relationship, and he completely turned my life around.

My husband reminds me daily how important I am, he never yells, or lays a hand on me. When I'm insecure he reminds me he still loves me, and he's not going anywhere. Even when he's gone for work, which is 12-18 days a month he still makes a point to call me at least twice a day, and tells me every morning and night he loves me. He truly is my best friend, and im glad I finally got the strength to leave my last relationship and trust my husband.