Breastfeeding while Pregnant - Maintaining Milk Supply


I have a 6 month old and just found out that I'm 7 weeks pregnant. I'm breastfeeding my 6 month old, but I have noticed a drop in my milk supply. I reaaly do not want to supplement with formula. Does anyone have any tips/tricks to increase supply while pregnant? Do you have experience with breastfeeding through your pregnancy? If so, were you able to it throughout your pregnancy. Looking for some ideas and positive experiences.

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I made lactation cookies (which were really just oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with chia seeds and bakers yeast).


Abigail • Jan 28, 2019
I have a recipe. I just need to make some more.


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I’m thirty weeks pregnant and still nursing. When supply dipped a little my son nursed more to get it back up. Could also try some teas and stuff to help out. Nipples were super sensitive in first trimester but it’s manageable


Sydney • Jan 28, 2019
I plan to tandem nurse. There is a book by Hillary flower called “the adventures of tandem nursing “ it has everything from nursing while pregnant to beyond. I got it off thrift books for thirty bucks. But great read


Abigail • Jan 28, 2019
Thank you. I am hoping its just a dip and the supply will go back up. My daughter has been nursing more as well. I just reaaly don't want to supplement if I don't have to.


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