Really love the name


& I can’t tell my hubby yet!!

I know we are having a boy, and he will find out at the gender reveal I am throwing on Saturday! I reallllly hope he loves the name too because my heart is set on it and I can’t find ANY thing else I love as much (but if he didn’t like it of course I’d compromise ❤️)

So his 2 best friends, that are basically brothers are John (Jonathan) and Mikey (Michael) and my dad is Michael.. and completely unrelated but I love John Krasinski (Jim from The Office lol)

So I LOVE the name Jonathan Michael (last name R)

It incorporates people close to us, and it helps that is one of my favorite actors 😜

I took a poll earlier and most of you chose it, too! I’m sooo hoping he’s on board. I think John is a cute nickname for school age kids but Jonathan is more sophisticated for an adult life, if he wanted to be called either!