Do I throw the whole man out or the whole friend out??

ok so my friend and this guy i’m kinda talking to used to like each other like TWO years ago but he ghosted her and when she was telling me about him before we even started talking she was saying alllll this trash about him like how he was weird and couldn’t carry a convo. so I was nervous to tell her that him & I were talking because it seemed like she didn’t really want me to but she wasn’t direct about it she just trash talked him and tried to talk me out of it so I didn’t think it would be a big deal. WELL i tell her and she’s like not mean about it, she handled it like a normal adult and expressed her feelings and she said it’s slightly weird for her but that she didn’t REALLY care that much. I don’t think she really wanted me to go to lunch with him thursday but I was like I’m going to anyway and just let you know how I feel about him. so that was that but i go to watch her insta live and apparently he was watching and SHE TELLS HIM MULTIPLE TIMES TO SNAPCHAT HER!!!!! and literally she had to say it multiple times for him to actually do it i guess bc he commented in the live and was like “wait snapchat you? i missed that part.” So apparently they started snapchatting and she texts me this today:

I really don’t know what to believe because all that he told me was that he didn’t want to rush anything, not that he didn’t want a girlfriend at all. My other friend literally ran into him and said he told her the same thing about just not wanting to rush but that he seemingly liked me. He asked me a few days back to meet up for lunch on thursday and now I’m just so confused if it’s even worth my time??