Help?! Prego and bleeding.


Hey ladies. I am currently breastfeeding my daughter who happens to be 1 year old just today! My period didnt return until October this last year. I missed my period in November. I got my period in December and January pretty much as scheduled. I just got over my period about 4 or 5 days ago and this morning I woke up spotting dark blood only when I wipe. I thought it was odd since I just ended my period so I took a prego test and got a positive! I called my ob worried because of the spotting. They had me go in for a blood test to check hcg levels and my levels are at 43. I came home from the doctor and have dark blood on my pad now. I'm confused. Am I prego or am I having a miscarriage? This would be my 4th baby but I also have a history of 3 miscarriages also... with my last baby my hcg levels also started out low. I'm so confused. I will be going back in 2 days for another blood test. Has anyone else had this happen and been prego and not lost their baby?