I think im miscarrying again imediatly after chemical!!!😢

Khyla renee • 🔮28✨momma to baby Vee🌈💕

Hey ladies so i had a chemical pregnancy dec 7th bfp on the 5th&6th and waited for af next cycle then no af tested on the 26th &25thof jan bfp's i went to the clinic on the 30th for confirmation and the urine test was negative💔😢😢 and now im cramping like a period before it shows and spotting this sucks so bad i just can never have a sticky been this is our 5th loss in the past year and a half and prior in past relationships i took another test rn to comfirm that my hcg is dropping bkus it shud be dark by now and im sad so sad !!😢😢😢