Feeling trapped..


Im in love with my husband but we've forgotten how to like each other.. I've been with him 12 years and we've been through our downs many times before. We are a power couple in our close group of friends. people turn to us for advice envy our strong relationship. This man has always been strong and when he shows signs of weakness im strong for him we are a team. Our children are healthy smart and respectful. But this time is different our relationship is losing it's worth. We're disconnecting the kids are affected by it and are also disconnecting.. i'm trying hard to figure out why and everything I come up with isn't a good enough reason to me it sounds to materialistic or inevitable. Like life is life get on with it. Im so tired though trying to force something that's losing it's meaning everyday. But damn like who gives up on family not in my book. But im feeling so lost trapped and angry all the time. I can't stand when he speaks when he's present in the same room when he's around I instantly feel negative.. I have nobody to vent to in my life that gives any advice or just a listening ear except people that think i'm over reacting or I don't have it bad my issues are irrelevant because they can't imagine us separated.. if I try to talk to him it ends up in a blow out argument and it stresses my children out so I avoid it most the time. I just really don't kno anymore.. maybe it will work maybe it won't.. I just don't want to be the mom that break her childrens family apart because i'm not strong enough to fight anymore.. I can't say it enough that I feel trapped.