Birth defects??


Hello 👋🏼 my husband and I have been trying to conceive for 17 month with unexplained infertility. I have had a HSG with spillage on both sides. My husband had a SA which showed no issues. Since I have 20 day periods and can never get a “peak” opk, my OB suggested to either put me back on birth control to try and regulate my cycles. But she also thinks that I could not be ovulating and to start clomid. I haven’t talked to my doctor about it much I have an appointment in a month to discuss it more. My husband and I were googling clomid and came across an article that stated that women who take clomid are 3x more likely to have children with birth defects. And now he’s very opposed to me starting clomid.. (My husband had a baby brother that was stillborn due to birth defects, so he is very scared when he hears there’s a possibility for birth defects) so my goal here is to read some of your guys’s experiences with clomid and put him at ease a little bit. If you could share your experiences (positive or negative) I would appreciate it. Thank you for taking the time to read this!!! 🙏🏼