Defeated yet again



Well its back to feeling defeated. Month #4 of disappointment. You would think I'd be used to it by now. I feel like its never going to happen again. Took us 11 months last time just to have it ripped away at 17 weeks 6 days. 😭

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Same here, MC at 6 weeks, took me almost 2 years of TTC first time (but we were just letting it happen, not really planning). I’m on month 4 of back to trying. Every month a disappointment and I get super sensitive and super sad. Getting tired of OPKs, tracking, testing, charting, and BFNs. Hang in there hon, we’re all in this together. Hopefully with the new month you can get some luck and baby dust! Try to relax and do some meditation or yoga and ask the universe for your rainbow 🌈 🤰 it will happen!


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Keep your head up. What god has for you is for you and when the time is right he will sprinkle baby dust all over you... just remember next month is a new month so don’t give up.


Ke • Jan 30, 2019
Im trying..