Trying for Baby #3!!


So, we been trying for baby #3 and I really felt all the symptoms this time. (Nausea, lightheaded, smells would bother me, extreme fatigue) I just felt like it was happening. AF is not due for another 5 days but seems to have started today. So, that makes two AF this month. Never really paid attention this much to my other two pregnancies because my Mom was sick throughout the entire pregnancy...both times. (She unfortunately passed away in March.) I don’t believe I have had implantation bleeding the last two times. Is it possible this is implantation bleeding still or am I just grasping at strings for no reason? I have spent the last 3 hours (yes, my husband says it’s ridiculous and I am starting to believe him) at implantation bleeding pictures and symptoms. I feel like I am losing my mind! Anyone had moderate flow implantation bleeding and still had a BFP after?