Ridiculously Emotional

Liz • Wife (05/04/2018) | Dog Mom 🐶 | TTC #1

O day is in a couple days. This our first cycle TTC, and I don’t know what’s got me but everything has me crying.

A TV show I’ve seen all the way through hundreds of times has me crying when a couple got engaged.

A video on Facebook.

My dog laying on me all cute.

I’m all over the place. I don’t know if the emotions of TTC are catching up with me subconsciously or what, but it’s a crazy feeling.

DH seems to be getting more excited about actively trying. I told him my peak days are tomorrow and the following day, and asked him if it got him overwhelmed or felt like I was pushing him, and he said not at all. (I’m sure if we’re TTC awhile he would eventually feel pressured!)

Anyways. I don’t know why I’m sharing this. Anyone else get like this right before ovulation? I’m normally like this right before AF.