10 month old


My 10 month old son has been acting a lot different lately.. he cries non stop at night.. like his pain cry.. he is teething and I’ve been giving him Tylenol and stuff before bed so by the time he is actually ready to sleep it should kick in.. I have no idea what’s going on.. one night he cried all night long.. no matter what I did.. next night he was very restless and kept moving towards the edge of the bed so I set up the play pen in the room and he slept get all night until about 5am then he cried uncontrollably. Tonight he’s crying a lot again. 🙁 I don’t know what to do.. he doesn’t want me but he doesn’t want to sleep by himself.. he is generally fine during the day..whiny but that’s due to teething and his crying during the day is no where near as bad as it is at night..he just started doing this recently within the last 3 night 😴