Setting boundaries

It’s a bit different if your folks live down the road and can just pop in for half an hour here and there.... but both our families live 3hrs away, both have said they’re coming up straight away. We’ve said no but we also haven’t said when they can... I thought we’d just wait and see how we feel. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if it was just a short day visit (1-2hrs) but because of how far they’re coming they will at least be staying at a hotel for at least 1 night which means at least several hours of their company.... anyone in the same situation? How do you plan to manage it?

I should probably mention that I don’t mind my mother visiting at all as I think I’d like her support... but my in-laws are a different story, they’ve passed remarks on being fat in pregnancy which has really upset me and I want to avoid that kind of negativity when I want to just enjoy being a family of 3 and a mama for the first time.