Switching OB at 34 weeks.

Nicole • Married to my high school sweet heart (08•17•13) of almost 13 years. I gave birth to our sweet rainbow Baby Cade David on 11•30•16 and we are currently trying for baby #2 ♥️

I am currently 34 weeks pregnant, and am wanting to switch OB. I wish I would've switched sooner...back story...

With my son (who is now 2) he was my first baby I got to carry full term and successfully deliver (I miscarried 2 back to back before him) my pregnancy with him was considered high risk, so I had to see a high risk doc in another city about 45 min away. My doctor didn't even deliver him, which I know is normal. The night I went in to be induced the "doctor" came in and introduced herself, and said she wanted to start me on cervadill before starting pitocin, she DROPPED 4 pills in the floor before successfully being able to insert one. That was around 11pm on the 28th, my actual due date. Well contractions started around 12 am, nothing too bad. She started pitocin at 4 am, and I got my epidural around 10 am on the 29th I was only at 3cm. The epidural worked for about an hour and then that's when the real excruciating pain began! My doctor and I discussed a csection, due to me having tachycardia and she was afraid of the strain that pushing would put on my heart, that and the fact that the U/S they'd done the week before had my son at almost 9lbs and I was tiny (her words). Anyway I asked about the csection only to be ignored every time and then she finally answered and said that bc I was 4 cm the risk for infection was far too great, so she wouldnt be doing one unless it was an emergency. The pain got so bad that I was asked by the nurses to quieten down, I was scaring other moms. Well I labored for 26 1/2 hrs (again I know that is normal for FTM'S) but my sons heart rate kept dropping and my BP kept shooting up. Finally my husband spoke up and told her if anything happened to his wife or son, he was coming after her, 10 min later she comes back to the room and said she was waiting to hear back from the OR for a room, I gave birt_6h vaginally 10 min later, to a 6lb 1oz baby, he was NO whernear 9lbs Thank God! Also she threatened to use forceps before I even started pushing and she cut me when I wasn't anywhere near tearing (4th degree episiotomy bc she didn't know what she was doing) come to find out she was only a 1st yr resident which I understand they have to learn but when you're in over your head, admit it, don't risk a babies life! She was also overheard in the hallway by 3 different people saying she was uncomfortable doing a csection she'd only done 2 and they were assisted. She also dislocated my sons collar bone again I know that's common but she should have told us! Lastly when she was sewing me up, she asked if I could feel it and I told her it stung when she pulled the sutures to knot them and her exact words were "well you just gave birth without an epidural, you can handle a few sutures without being numbed!" It took her 30 min to sew me up and a nurse had to talk her through it! When my actual doctor found out she flipped out. I wasn't planning on having another baby, bc my first experience was so bad. My nurses were wonderful, with the exception of one, I guess she was having an off day! Anyway, I ended up pregnant again, and when I went to my OB I told her if she could not guarantee being there to deliver this baby, I was switching doctors and delivering at the hospital in my city. She promised she would clear her schedule to be there around my due date, or induce me a week early if need be. I am 34 weeks pregnant and have only seen her maybe 3 times. The closer I get to my delivery date the more anxious I get and my gut keeps telling me to switch! I have heard so many great things about the birthing center in my city and all of the doctors. My question is, has anyone switched this late in pregnancy? I am at the point that I do NOT want to deliver at the same hospital regardless of who is going to deliver this baby. I've called 3 other offices that deliver at the birthing center, 1 wasn't accepting new patients, the other 2 told me that I would need to get them my medical charts/records and their doctors would look over them and decide if they'd take me on or not! So I am wondering, what reasons would they have for NOT wanting to take me on as a patient? My pregnancy has so far been a healthy one, aside from high blood pressure, but nothing too bad. I am not considered high risk like I was with my son. I just wish I could speak with the new doctor to tell them my reasons for wanting to switch. Also delivering at the birthing center would be more convenient for my husband as it is only 10 min away as opposed to the other hospital being 45 min away. My 2 yr old won't stay with anyone, so my husband will probably end up coming home at night to be with him. I'm just curious and really trying to rack my brain on how I can ensure I'll deliver where I want to! I could really kick myself in the ass for not switching sooner, but like I said I love my Ob and she honestly is a rockstar but I can not chance her not being there and i do NOT want another doctor at that hospital touching me or my baby! I guess I'm just looking for positive success stories about switching OB's this late in pregnancy? Sorry this was so long, if you made it this far, Thank you so much!