Can’t do anything fun.

Kristy 08/19/19

My client has a little trampoline. I bounced on it once and thought “probably shouldn’t do that”

Perfect sledding weather? Nope, can’t do that.

Hubby wants to spend New Years outside at a homemade skating rink drinking with friends. Hahaha that sounds like hell!! No drinking, no falling on ice.

Summers coming? Nope can’t enjoy a Corona and bask in the sun.

I guess there’s no convenient time of year to be pregnant but is there anything fun we CAN do?!

UPDATE: Okay, I’m getting a lot of “get over it.” And “be grateful.”

Ladies, of course I’m grateful for this baby. My husband and I have been trying for over a year for this to happen. I have a very protective hubby that doesn’t allow me to shovel, let alone sled. The movie theatre is too loud for the baby etc.

I was merely asking for suggestions on how to have fun as opposed to sitting for the next 6 months.