First cervical check

(I’m in Ireland, just FYI)

So I’m 29wks at the moment and experienced some light spotting today. Went to the hospital to get checked so they could rule out all possibilities.

The doctor also gave me my first cervical exam. She didn’t use her fingers but this clear plastic sternum thing which she inserted deep inside my vagina to check the neck of my womb.

As nice as she was, and my husband was with me the whole time—I still feel completely traumatized from the experience. It was painful, especially because I tensed up. I just couldn’t get myself to relax. I felt like bursting into tears. I was embarrassed and in pain and in shock, all at the same time.

Now, it’s a few hours later, and I’m still traumatized from it. The pregnancy is fine, baby is healthy etc.

I just can’t get that experience out of my head. Maybe because I don’t have much experience with doctors and body exams.

Has anybody else felt this way after such a small procedure? What’s helped you calm down?