His Insecurity, My Fault?

I write this with nothing but love and genuine concern... That being said, my boyfriend is driving me nuts.

The first night I met him, we had instant chemistry and both of us just knew that we were meant to be together. We had amazing conversation, and there was definitely a real spark. Within our first few days together, we were already talking about getting married and starting a family. We both fell hard and fast.

We are (short) long distance, as he goes to school about an hour and 45 minutes away from my school, but he comes and stays with me every weekend, and we talk, snapchat, facetime, and/or text all day every day.

However, now that we’ve been together for a few months he’s starting to get a bit... insecure? I guess you could call it that. Everyday, he asks if i’m still attracted to him, if I still love him, if he makes me happy, or if I still feel the same way about him. I also get hit with “are you okay?” and “what’s wrong?” a minimum of 2-3 times a day. I don’t want to assume that his intentions are anything but innocent, but it’s getting a little bit difficult to constantly have to make my feelings for him clear. It makes me feel like I’m not good enough, or doing enough to show him that I care.

He does things that, to me, feel like he is trying to make me mad, as if he wants me to start a fight and break up with him. For example, last week he told me that someone asked if he was still seeing an ex girlfriend of his, and he said “yes” because he “didn’t want to have an awkward conversation explaining why they broke up.” He calls me every weekend before he comes, and starts going off on some story as to why he can’t get to me (I don’t have a car, otherwise I would absolutely take turns going to see him). The stories range from: he has to work, his car has to get fixed, he’s visiting his grandparents, etc. Except, all while seemingly real, each of these stories are completely made up and he then goes on to tell me that he’s “just joking” and he’s on his way. I’ve asked him to stop doing it because in the future, there may actually be an emergency reason why he can’t come, and i’m not going to believe him. Then i’m going to look and feel incredibly stupid when he doesn’t show up.

Another sore issue is sex. He’s the type of person that wants to do it all day every day. I would much rather save it for special occasions, and do it when it’s meaningful and special for both of us. I also don’t typically get any pleasure from penetration, which he just doesn’t seem to understand. He is, to put it modestly, very well endowed, and it can be a bit much for a girl to handle. He is very attentive to making me feel good, but sex kind of loses its novelty when you’re doing it allllll the time. He seems to think that when I don’t want to have sex, it’s because i’m not attracted to him, or because he’s “small.”

I know it probably seems like i’m just ranting and venting but I really need advice. He is truly a sweet boy, and he will do absolutely anything for me (wants to pay for all our meals, offers to drive me up to visit my family, makes an effort with my friends), but all the insecurity is really starting to put a strain on our relationship. My feelings for him have, if anything, grown stronger than from day one. I feel like we are just slowly transitioning from the honeymoon phase, into the rhythm of our relationship. I love him truly and deeply, but I really am starting to worry about the dynamic of our relationship. Am I overthinking?