Feeding Suggestions


Hello! My name is Rachael, I’ve been a SAHM since my daughter was born on 9/11/18 🤗

I’m looking for some suggestions regarding others feeding my little lady... Rebecca was born premature and didn’t want to nurse right away- she started nursing at about 2 months old. Now shes 4 1/2 months old, and it’s been a struggle to have someone else feed her.

My husband has been doing at least 1 bottle each weekend night since she was born, and we live with my parents so my mom has helped with feeding her at night so I can go to bed earlier. Within the last couple weeks though if my mom or husband try to feed Becca, she has a total meltdown and is inconsolable until I step in (we usually give at least a few minutes)

Any good suggestions??


She does fine with a bottle when I’m the one feeding her!